EPIC Account & Credits

An EPIC (Electronic Profile Information Center) administration account is the most efficient, cost-effective way to administer multiple assessments, profiles, and reports. Use an EPIC account to create, edit, and manage Everything DiSC and Five Behaviors products.

Credits can be purchased below with volume discounts for large purchases. Assessments vary in the amount of credits needed and range from 10 credits to 35 credits per assessment or report. Please see our chart below of DiSC Profiles and the credits needed to obtain them. Credits are listed for U.S. English assessments and reports in U.S. English. EPIC Credits required for assessments and reports in other languages may vary.

To determine the EPIC Credits needed for each report type, please use these links:

Everything DiSC Assessment

Everything DiSC Group Report

Five Behaviors Assessment

Volume Pricing Schedule






















Helpful Resources:

2 of 2 Items
  • EPIC Assessment Administration Account

    EPIC Assessment Administration Account

    Take Control of Your Assessment Administration An EPIC Assessment Administration Account enables you, as the team leader, manager or learning professional, to manage your team’s DiSC experience. After purchasing and setting up your account, you...

    MSRP: $270.00
  • EPIC Credits

    EPIC Credits

    EPIC Credits are the "currency" used in an EPIC Assessment Administration account. (EPIC stands for "Electronic Profile Information Center.") Credits are used to issue access codes for individual reports and to generate group/facilitator reports...

2 of 2 Items