DiSC Classic 2.0

disc-classic-graph.jpgWhile DiSC has evolved significantly to the new Everything DiSC on Catalyst participant platform and Everything DiSC assessment suite, the "original DiSC" is still available today in online or paper form.

The DiSC Classic Paper Assessment is a 28-item questionnaire and scoring sheet. The "original blue booklet" is the only paper and pencil DiSC option, ideal for situations where an online assessment isn't available or practical.

DiSC Classic 2.0 is the graph-model assessment transitioned to online administration. With a more personalized profile and richer interpretations, it provides participants non-judgmental language for exploring behavioral issues. (DiSC Classic 2.0 Sample Report)

Customers who have purchased an EPIC account or our EPIC PRO Services will also be able to purchase the DiSC Classic 2.0 Facilitator Report and the DiSC Classic 2.0 Group Culture Report. However, improved versions of these reports are available in the Everything DiSC product suite.

If you'd like to learn more about the product development transition from DiSC Classic 2.0 to Everything DiSC, How My Graph Became a Dot provides an excellent overview.

Please note, all facilitation kits for DiSC Classic and DiSC Classic 2.0 are no longer available.

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