Everything DiSC® Certification/Train-the-Trainer

Everything DiSC Certification and Train-the-Trainer

Prepare yourself to bring the Everything DiSC culture to your organization. While certification is not a requirement, completing this best-in-class certification course signifies a proven level of capability and expertise in Everything DiSC research and our unique profiles and solutions.

Everything DiSC® Certification

It’s Time to Elevate Your Career

Gain DiSC Expertise and a Professional Credential

The Solution: Everything DiSC Certification

Everything DiSC is comprehensive, proven solution to the challenges posed by workplace dynamics and interpersonal relationships. Our certification program equips professionals with the knowledge and skills to:


Identify and Appreciate Differences: DiSC assessments offer a nuanced understanding of the personalities and communication styles present in any group. 


Improve Communication: Effective communication is the backbone of successful teamwork. Everything DiSC-certified professionals can help others pinpoint communication preferences and adapt their approach.


Resolve Conflict: By recognizing potential sources of conflict rooted in personality differences, Everything DiSC facilitators can guide teams toward constructive conflict resolution, reducing workplace tension and improving morale.


Enhance Team Performance: Everything DiSC tools provide insights into team dynamics, enabling facilitators to tailor their interventions to improve team cohesion, productivity, and overall performance.

What You'll Learn

The Everything DiSC Certification program will equip you with superior knowhow:

  • Understanding the DiSC Model: We take a deep dive into the principles, research, and theory that underpin Everything DiSC assessments.
  • Effective Facilitation: Develop the skills to lead engaging workshops and coaching sessions using Everything DiSC assessments.
  • Assessment Interpretation: You’ll learn how to interpret individual and group assessment results to drive meaningful discussions and development.
  • Customization: Discover how to tailor DiSC solutions to meet the unique needs of your organizations.
  • Application Across Industries: Explore how DiSC can be applied in various settings, from corporate environments to educational institutions.

Course Overview

Becoming a Certified Everything DiSC facilitator is a rewarding journey that combines online learning with practical application.

Course Agenda

Our Everything DiSC Certification Bonus Bundle Includes: 

Live Online


Join 20 hours of live virtual sessions led by experienced Everything DiSC trainers to deepen your understanding and practice facilitation techniques.

($2,495 value)



Access our comprehensive training materials, including videos, articles, and interactive modules, at your own pace.

($2,990 value)



Efficiently administer multiple assessments, profiles, and reports for your organization.

($243 value)

Books &


An Everything DiSC on Catalyst assessment with Workplace, Management, and Agile EQ content, Everything DiSC Manual e-book, and Demystifying DiSC e-book.

($279 value)



Learn more from an experienced Everything DiSC professional. Sharon Wingron is an expert facilitator for ATD's Master Trainer Program and a Certified DiSC Practitioner since 1995.

($500 value)

SHRM credential holders can earn 20 professional development credits (PDCs) from the Society for Human Resource Management when they complete the Everything DiSC® Certification.

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