DiSC®-In-Depth Cards


NOTE - These cards will be ordered from our supplier. Please allow up to two weeks for delivery.

New DiSC-In-Depth Training Reinforcement Cards - 4 sets per Box - Each box may be used for a 16 - 20 person exercise.

DiSC® In-Depth Card Game -
The DiSC® In-Depth cards were developed by Integro as an exercise to challenge people to think about the differences between the four Dimensions of DiSC®.
The cards are meant to be used as a reinforcement of their DiSC® knowledge rather than an introduction to DiSC®.

What Does DiSC®-In-Depth Do?
The purpose of this team activity is three-fold:
1. It provides a fun, interactive way to summarize the key differences between the Dimensions of DiSC®.
2. It provides participants with an in-depth understanding of the more subtle differences, particularly between D and I behaviors and S and C behaviors. It also provides the learning by making the participants think about the differences, rather than just supplying them with the answers.
3. It gives you the facilitator the opportunity to create more in-depth discussion about the application of the participant’s own profile. For example: “Discuss with a partner a recent situation where the Major Limitation of your style resulted in you not being effective.” Then: “Now discuss how you could apply the To Increase Effectiveness strategy to be more effective in that situation in the future.”

Distributors who are using these cards continually report on how effective they are, and how much participants enjoy the activity.

The overall activity can be conducted in between 40 minutes and 1 hour, including a PowerPoint debrief of the correct answers.

The ideal team size for the card exercise is 4 to 5.

What you Receive:

  • A box of cards contains 4 packs which is enough for a group of 16-20 people.
  •  Instructions are included in the box.
  • A PowerPoint file which provides you with the answers as well as a presentation for your program is supplied to you via email or a web download.