Everything DiSC® Manual


The most comprehensive guide (written by By Mark Scullard, Ph.D., Dabney Baum, Ed.D) to the theory, research, interpretation and history behind Everything DiSC assessments ever published.

HR, training, business coaches, consultants, OD and talent management professionals have long used DiSC to develop people in the areas of leadership, management training, sales training, and team building. The Everything DiSC Manual is the professional’s comprehensive guide to the research that supports the Everything DiSC assessments and training materials.

This total reference tool provides access to the research and theory behind Everything DiSC. Additionally it provides an in-depth overview of the DiSC model and the various applications associated with DiSC, the Everything DiSC Manual contains the following topics:

  • Research supporting the validity and reliability of the DiSC styles
  • An explanation of DiSC as it relates to current psychological theory
  • Everything DiSC case studies showing the proper interpretation of the tool
  • DiSC as it applies to different demographics including: gender, ethnicity, and education

This research manual is included with Everything DiSC Certification in digital form. 

Available through us until June 30, 2025. After July 1, 2025, available through Wiley, Amazon, and select booksellers.