PXT SelectTM

Hire and Engage the Right People to Build a Better Organization

In today’s tight job market finding, hiring, and retaining talent has never been more difficult… and more important. PXT Select offers hiring managers and their organizations a data-driven program to making effective selection, development, and advancement decision using scientifically-validated assessment.



The Human Side of Selection

Great organizations know that success begins with hiring the right people.

PXT Select™ Assessment

Measures individual job fit by assessing cognitive ability, behavioral traits, and interests.

PXT Select™ Non-Cognitive Assessment

Evaluates job-person compatibility based on soft skills and cultural fit.

Customer Service Profile™

Identifies the traits and skills to excel in customer service roles.

CheckPoint 360°™ Survey

Evaluates the leader effectiveness, providing a personalized approach for improving job performance.

Step One Survey®

Measures an individual’s basic work-related values early in the candidate selection process.

Data That Complements Instinct

Making talent decisions based on a resume, an interview, or current job performance is not enough. Our assessments help organizations:

Align On Their Talent Needs

Interview Better

Hire Smarter

Retain Longer

Is Unconscious Bias Creeping into Your Hiring Process?

To better understand the impact unconscious bias has on hiring and selection and its long-term impact in the workplace, Wiley recently surveyed 5,000 working professionals. The findings are detailed in this white paper, State of Hiring.

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  • PXT Select™ Checkpoint 360°™ cover PXT Select™ Checkpoint 360°™ THE CHECKPOINT 360° SYSTEM PXT Select™ Checkpoint 360°™ EXECUTIVE COMPETENCY OVERVIEW PXT Select™ Checkpoint 360°™ RESPONDENT GROUP COMPARISON

    CheckPoint 360°™ Survey

    Gain Valuable Insight Into the Effectiveness of Your Leaders and Managers Organizations rely on the skills and abilities of their managers and leaders to chart a course towards success. To hone those crucial skills and abilities, managers...

  • PXT Select Comprehensive Selection Report Sample

    PXT Select™ Assessment

    Making the wrong talent decision hurts. By providing reliable, objective, and accurate data, the PXT Select™ assessment allows your organization to hire and engage productiveemployees with confidence. As a...

  • PXT Select™ Non-Cognitive

    PXT Select™ Non-Cognitive Assessment

    Make Smart Talent Decisions—Quickly and Simply You need objective, reliable, and accurate data to hire and develop the right people. But you also need flexibility in determining which skills and traits to measure for predicting job...

  • PXT Select Customer Service Profile™

    Customer Service Profile™

    Deliver Remarkable Brand Experiences—Every Time Are poor customer service experiences impacting your organization’s reputation and results? Isn't it time to start delivering outstanding brand experiences that win customer loyalty?...

  • Profiles Assessment Center™

    Profiles Assessment Center™

    You need objective and accurate data to make smart talent decisions. But if the assessment results you need can’t be easily accessed, how well can you use that information? We store all thepersonalized information gathered through...

  • Step One Survey®

    Step One Survey®

    Hire Employees You Can Trust Employee fraud and theft robs American businesses of over $50 billion annually—negatively impacting their bottom line. When organizations need help identifying people who are less likely to steal, be dishonest,...

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