PXT Select by Wiley

  • Profiles Assessment Center™

    Profiles Assessment Center™

    You need objective and accurate data to make smart talent decisions. But if the assessment results you need can’t be easily accessed, how well can you use that information? We...

  • PXT Select™ Checkpoint 360°™ cover PXT Select™ Checkpoint 360°™ THE CHECKPOINT 360° SYSTEM PXT Select™ Checkpoint 360°™ EXECUTIVE COMPETENCY OVERVIEW PXT Select™ Checkpoint 360°™ RESPONDENT GROUP COMPARISON

    CheckPoint 360°™ Survey

    Gain Valuable Insight Into the Effectiveness of Your Leaders and Managers Organizations rely on the skills and abilities of their managers and leaders to chart a course towards success. To...

  • PXT Select Customer Service Profile™

    Customer Service Profile™

    Deliver Remarkable Brand Experiences—Every Time Are poor customer service experiences impacting your organization’s reputation and results? Isn't it time to start delivering...

  • Step One Survey®

    Step One Survey®

    Hire Employees You Can Trust Employee fraud and theft robs American businesses of over $50 billion annually—negatively impacting their bottom line. When organizations need help...

  • PXT Select Comprehensive Selection Report Sample

    PXT Select™ Assessment

    Making the wrong talent decision hurts. By providing reliable, objective, and accurate data, the PXT Select™ assessment allows your organization to hire and engage...

  • PXT Select™ Non-Cognitive

    PXT Select™ Non-Cognitive Assessment

    Make Smart Talent Decisions—Quickly and Simply You need objective, reliable, and accurate data to hire and develop the right people. But you also need flexibility in determining...
